Generate and publish posts for your WordPress site in one click!
- Connect with your WordPress
- Works in almost any language
- Keeps humans-first readability
- Saves drafts in your WordPress
- Streamline your posts pre-production
- Generate posts based on source links
- Top text and image AI models available
- Pay as you go; no long-term commitment
- Define custom prompts for different authors
- Embed related YouTube videos when it makes sense
- Generate featured image, slug, tags, and excerpt
- It identifies the best keywords and focuses on SEO
- Our tested method generates 99.9% undetectable AI text
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I connect my WordPress?
Simply create an Author in your dashboard with your site URL and WordPress application password.
How much does it cost?
We sell credits you can use for AI generations. Check out our billing page for details.
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